Words and teachings of heavenly laws

 Moral values ​​in ancient Egypt. 0

 Papyrus I...... The famous papyrus is recorded in ancient Egyptian writing or hieroglyphic script in the British Museum.. Papyrus of the Osiris Court.

 Forty-two judges ask each one a question about the deceased, all of which are related to moral values. These questions are recorded in the following order....

 1..Have you lived your life as God ordained?

 2...Did you take care of the right of your body as it took care of you in your youth...

 3. Have you kept your body pure as a clean garment that was not polluted by sins and filth...

 4. Have you conquered your body's lusts?

 5..Have you maintained your good reputation?

 6..Has your hand reached out to steal what is not yours?

 7..Have you killed a person unjustly?

 8..Has anger overpowered you, so you were a probe into it?

 9..Are you innocent of looking at the body of your mother, sister or daughter?

 10..Have you looked at what is richer than you with a look of envy or hatred...

 11..Has your heart ever been torn apart by jealousy?

 12..Did you speak ill of those who mentioned you?

 13..Did you get drunk until you lost your mind...

 14..Did you neglect your plow and land at the time of planting or sowing...

 15..Have you felt an overwhelming desire to know things that you shouldn't hear....

 16..Did you see your imagination on the walls so great that vanity took you...

 17..Have you been attached to the world and tied to it by chains of gold?

 18..Have your eyes been so preoccupied with worldly matters that you became blind to matters of the hereafter?

 19..Did you deal in the markets fairly and honestly?

 20..Did you avoid the right path when you found it perilous...

 21..Have you acknowledged the grace to everyone who was a friend for life....

 22..Do you give your bread to the needy and the fruits of your field to the weary...

 23..Did you keep your tongue from perjury and false statements.. .

 24..Has vanity taken hold of your intelligence, and your wisdom blinded you?

 25..Have chains of hate tied you to a human being?

 26 Have you blocked your ears from hearing a saying of his advice and the voice of truth....

 27..Did you know harmful black magic and did you allow your body to be the home of a soul other than your soul...

 28..Have you quenched in your wisdom the thirst of those who thirst for truth...

 29...Did you remember God on the way of your journey and asked Him for guidance and guidance....

 30...Have you revered the servants of the temple and followed the teachings of God...

 31...Have you used your strength only in order to stand on the side of truth and justice...

 32...Have you brought contentment to your mother's heart and honor to your father's house?...

 33... Have you betrayed your neighbor or friend who entrusted you with the presentation of his house...

 34..were you a drawn sword in the army of Horus...

 35...Did you cause someone to restrict their freedom or take it away from them... .

 36..Is your image that is reflected in your heart a shining image?

 37...Have you been true to your heart and listened to the voice of your conscience?

 38...Did you know that the end of each stage of your life is the beginning of another stage..

 39...Did you take care of the plants and water them until they grew...

 40..Did you treat your animals and those who are less than you as you would like someone who is higher than you to treat you...

 41...Have you forced a man or animal to work beyond his capacity...

 42...Have you ever hurt or tortured an animal? Without a reason..... _? 

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